October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Do you prefer to read authors you know, or to find new-to-you authors?

    Do you prefer to read about subjects you know, or try to be all-encompassing or expansive with your reading?

    Do you prefer to read books that challenge you, or books that are in your comfort zone?

    Of course, “somewhere in the middle” is a valid answer, and possibly more accurate, but if I had to pick, I prefer to find new-to-me authors, expand my knowledge base, and challenge myself to the extent that my brain can take it (sometimes a bit beyond).

    Some of my yearly reading projects embrace my preferences (picking a region whose history I don’t know and reading a dozen books about it) and others counteract my normal behavior (picking an author to read to completion). I tend to stagger my brain melting books a bit but the good news is that the more of them I read the less melt occurs (presumably this is a good thing).

    Favorite books

    Thucydides ~ The Peloponnesian War

    F. W. Mote ~ Imperial China

    Robert S Stickley ~ A Bended Circuity

    Djuna Barnes ~ Nightwood

    Curious to see the variety of readers we have here.

    by BinstonBirchill

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