October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Could you suggest some solid non-fiction or long articles on climate change. I want something very technical and purely evidence based that collates latest of the latest literature and views from experts. I am talking satellite thermal measurement data, calculations for human caused emissions (e.g. average car burns X liters —> dominant combustion reaction is oxidisation of C8H18 which releases X grams of CO2 —> this diffuses into the atmosphere and causes X effect), atmospheric chemistry, geology, something that discusses the topic scientifically.

    by theturbulence1

    1 Comment

    1. PrometheusHasFallen on

      Unsettled by Steven E Koonin if you want an indepth discussion of the data and what conclusions can and can’t be drawn from it.

      Koonin is a bit of a skeptic, particularly when it comes to the claims made by policymakers and top level bureaucrats. But he has one of the strongest resumes of any author writing about climate change to a broad audience (i.e. non academic).

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