September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This question formed in me when I bought a book thinking it will be a simple, fun story about a bunch of kids having fun during summer from the POV of a teen boy, but I had to put it down because there were vivid descriptions of sexual things, and I just couldn’t stomach nor reading how a teen girl’s body is seductive and how it feels (yuck), nor did it sit well with me that the (adult) author came up with it, thought about it, and wrote it into a book. It just gives me the ick. I am okay with reading for example Harry Potter level of teens/kids falling in love and obsessing over their crush. But when it gets straight up sexual, I just can’t. I know they say the creator is not their creation, and just because I write horror that doesn’t mean I want to murder people or fantasize about cutting heads off. So I am not trying to call the authors pedos… at least I am convincing myself not to. But I still can’t bring myself to read it, my brain just instantly goes “but these are children, ewwwww no”. How do you all feel about this?

    by Meh040515

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