September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m reading *Every Living Thing* by Jason Roberts, and its unusually structured in that it’s a dual biography. It follows two scientists competing to catalog all life in the 1700s, and the chapters switch off between them. It’s an interesting structure that really moves the story forward, and I’m wondering if there are other nonfiction books that follow this approach?

    The closest I could think of is *The Professor and the Madman* by Simon Winchester, but the two characters aren’t really in competition with each other and they don’t have clashing styles and philosophies. This book is more like Amadeus (with Mozart and Salieri), only nonfiction. Can anyone think of other dual biographies, and if so what did you think of them? This book pulls it off, but I can imagine it’s a tricky structure.

    by Dollarist

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