October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone!

    As you probably know, there’re many pop-science books on the topic of learning, e.g. Make it Stick and books by Barbara Oakley being some of the most popular ones. They do a really a good job at explaining how humans learn, but they mostly deal with cognitive skills (the target audience being mostly students).

    I’d like a similar book focused on learning physical skills. I’m expecting a lot of overlap, and that’s fine, but there should also be some new ideas that the books above might not have focused on simply because they have a different focus. Make It Stick especially has some stories on that topic and the principles are generalized enough that they can be applied to physical skills as well, but it’s still not the focus of the book. I still like it a lot and would like something similar to it if possible!

    Few points:

    – must be a pop-science book (similar to the ones I mentioned above), no dense/academic stuff
    – no self-help/motivational focus (I’m interested in the science of learning, not tutorials)
    – it should be principle-focused, i.e. describe things that I can apply in my own learning and compare to what I’ve learned about learning cognitive skills. The principles can either be the main focus of the book or easily derivable.

    I’ve already come across {{How We Learn to Move by Rob Gray}} which looks interesting and something along the lines of what I’m looking for, at least from reading the description and ToC.

    by Gigusx

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