September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My sister is almost 15 and does not like reading at all. She’s a pretty normal teenage girl. Likes things like makeup, fashion, tiktok lol. As someone who loved reading growing up, I really think she ought to incorporate it more into her life.

    Any exciting suggestions that a teenage girl would be into? I mean real page turners. Hopefully I can convince her that reading is cool.

    by aminalina


    1. danytheredditer on

      What movies or shows does she enjoy watching? So we can see what her interest are and recommend something she probably will like.

    2. lewisiarediviva on

      Take her to a library and let her pick something out. Librarians are the best at suggestions if your sister wants help, but it should really be her choice as much as possible. If she’s not at least a bit willing to give it a shot, no book will work. If she is willing, letting her choose for herself will make it easier to get going. It’s very important not to judge whatever she picks out. It can be a kids book, nonfiction, weird, trashy, doesn’t matter. Books are books.

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