September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m interested about the classical trope ‘people stranding on a deserted island after a plane crash’ and everything relating to surviving in the wild. The obvious ones are Robinson Crusoe and Lord of the Flies which I already read.
    Grateful for any suggestions xx

    by diarrheaglacier


    1. Not really a disaster that landed them there, but “the New Wilderness” by Diane Cook is pretty good. It follows a nomadic group of people who live off the land on the last piece of the earth not poisoned by pollution and urbanization. They have little to no interaction with the outside world, hunting and gathering is their only source of food. They sleep on the ground with only the few items they can all carry to help them against natures unyielding forces. The power dynamics in the group shift often and human morals is called into question often.

    2. SomeSnarksAreBoojums on

      To Build a Fire by Jack London maybe? There’s no island, but it is about survival in the wild, out there for free & a quick read.

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