October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book I can sink into, the kind I can sit down to read in the morning then look up and realize it’s night time. I want to be completely submerged in a story to the point I can forget my dumb life for a little while.

    I like history, nature and science. My favorite book is probably Love in the Time of Cholera but my taste ranges from true crime (like an Ann Rule paperback) to classical literature to the sort of non-fiction I have to read with a dictionary next to me so I can understand it. The last book I read (re-read) was The Awakening by Kate Chopin.

    Bonus points for feminist leaning texts.

    by Klutzy_Reflection508


    1. Books that have had this effect on me that sound like they may be up your alley:

      Alias Grace – Margaret Atwood. A fictionalized account of a real crime that happened in like the 1800s I think? In Canada.

      The Butchers Hook – Janet Ellis. A sort of romance set in the 1700s following a wicked young woman that won’t sit by while her father marries her off.

      The Only Good Indians – Stephen Graham Jones. A gorey slasher horror novel. I did this as an audiobook, and I listened to this pretty well in one go, it was fascinating and the descriptions were captivating and I just wanted to know what would happen next. It’s also a little look at life on a reservation too. Its hard to summarize without giving away but Four native men go out hunting and 10 years later are haunted by what they did that day. It’s a revenge story. Best book I’ve read all year.

      Bunny – Mona Awad. Also horror, mona awad is really good at descriptions that suck you in and create vivid images. Samantha Mackey is an MFA student and there’s of her cohort are weird. They invite her to join them at a party and begin to pull her into their cult. Ymmv with this one but I loved it. Also gorey.

      Such a fun age – Kiley Reid. A sort of comi g of age that also deals with race in upper/middle class America. Emira is black and babysits for a wealthy white family. She is confronted and accused of kidnapping the kid one day. The family, especially the mom, get weird about it. I wasn’t convinced I would likethis one but it ended up being a pageturner. There’s a lot of tension built up through the whole book that’s just great and makes it hard to put down.

      The whisper on the night wind – Adam shoalts. Non fiction, An account of Adam and a friend hiking and camping through the Labrador Canada wilderness in search of an old settlement that is home to some spooky cryptid legends. He talks a lot about the legends while also giving just a really good account of their two week jour ey through the Bush and back. A lot of fun.

    2. War of the End of the World
      by Mario Vargas Llosa

      Of course based on a true story, the War of Canudos

      Think of the Branch Dravidians coalescing around a Christlike wanderer that ends up in a war with the Brazilian Republic. Told from multiple points of view.

      It seems since I read it, it has won a Noble prize, so check it out

    3. The Revenant by Michael Punke, I read it one day like you said, just couldn’t put it down

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