September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So the topic is pretty much entirely up to us.
    Some example topics are comparing novels, discussing symbolism and imagery, analyzing a non-protagonist character, etc.

    The main ones I am currently debating between are Fahrenheit 451 and Animal Farm. I have recently read 1984, and really liked it, and I feel like there are a lot of topics I could write about with these novels. Both have good symbolism and are able to be compared to 1984.

    A few other books I have thought about are Frankenstein, Invisible Man, All Quiet on the Western Front, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Those seem like great books, but I am worried it may be harder to write more about them.

    I was originally gonna link the list of books we are allowed to read, but it doesn’t allow me to do so. I will try posting the link in the comments, but if that doesn’t work, just note it’s pretty much all the standard grade 12+ books.

    If you see or know any good books that I didn’t say, please let me know. I wish I had time to go through all these books, but I have to choose my title by next Wednesday and we are not able to pick the same book as another student so I want to submit ASAP. Any advice or opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance 🙂

    by sadphrogs

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