September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read history books and kids fiction books when I was younger, but never an actual full book front to cover. During lockdown I simply stopped altogether. I am 17 now and feel frustrated because I really enjoyed it. Instead, I became glued to the internet and all I do is consume junk. Feel like that’s the case for a lot of Gen Z, a lot do enjoy books but are too distracted and busy to go through one. I feel like once you reach a certain age you’ve reached your limit like how learning a second language becomes more difficylt. I’m 17, ideal age to pick up new skills, so I want to start reading before it’s too late. Any easy reads for beginners?

    by ScotMcScottyson


    1. It’s not an easy read, but I think it would be easier to understand; Percy Jackson. The series is great for teenagers. You could also try Artemis Fowl, or Harry Potter:)

    2. _absofuckinglutely on

      What genre are you interested in? Are you looking for a standalone or a series?

    3. Try Scythe by Neal Shusterman

      As far as distractions staying focused is a muscle. Set aside a little time for reading and put all the devices on chargers.

    4. I got back into reading by checking out novels that I knew was going to be a movie/tv soon. That sounds weird but it gave me a deadline to finish the book by and a weird way to compare the images in my mind. Sometimes I liked who they cast sometimes it reinforced that I liked my mind casting better! It’s silly and fun and combines my love for books and tv/movies. And I’ve actually found shows/movies that I liked better than the book but was ultimately glad I read the book.

      I’ve slowly branched out into what different genres that way. I read authors that I never would have before and got suggested other authors based on it.

      I think my love of reading actually started by reading biographies of people I admired or bands I liked. I got a whole new perspective on someone I already knew/loved and gained a new appreciation for them!

    5. planetarymemory on

      The best recommendation I have for easy to digest/easy to read are all of John Scalzi’s books. Sci-fi, if you’re into that, very funny and interesting, and easy to breeze through.

      If you’re looking for some easy to read fantasy, Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Very different from the studio Ghibli movie, which I love whole heartedly, but is SO good.

    6. 1stepclosertothedge on

      lots of people have recced Harry Potter here, but I would truly believe the starting of any book weading journey must begin with comics. or books with lots of pictures. they help a lot. maybe you could try something like chicken soup series? they are small, heart warming and poignant, easy and short to read too

    7. Difficult-Mark5895 on

      Start with something you’re really interested in!

      Maybe a person, hobby, book from a movie you like or story about a character you relate to. I’d also recommend to start small! don’t ask too much of yourself and don’t be shocked if you don’t have the attention span to read hundreds of pages at once. Try setting a small goal (like 10 pages a day) and try to be consistant. You’ll see that eventually it’ll come naturally and you’re able to keep your attention to the book longer.

      I love reading myself but i struggle with my attention span too. What works for me is to put my phone in another room and force myself to read a couple pages. It usually reminds me how much i enjoy reading. The hardest part is simply opening the book.

      To make it a habit, try and catch small moments in your day that you usually spend scrolling and open a book. I’m talking about bus rides, toilet visits and lunch breaks.

      Also it’s never too late to start reading 🙂 Good luck!!

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