November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am weary of books that have the orphan waif who ultimately succeeds.

    I am always interested in books about adult relationships.

    Just enjoyed *Remarkably Bright Creatures* and *Happiness Falls* (though the narrator of *Happiness Falls* almost lost me..) I adore James Clavell’s *Asian Saga Series* and Frank Herbert’s *Dune*. Honestly, my taste is pretty wide open, and I have read a LOT of books in all sorts of genres. Series suggestions are GREAT though I’m rediscovering the joys of a solid, stand alone book.

    * Historical fiction
    * Fantasy
    * Science Fiction
    * Travel through time
    * Mysteries

    I’m racing through books at an unprecedented rate, so the more pages the better! Or the longer the series the better! OR! An author with a ton of great stand alone books completed.

    Maybe it would be easier to just suggest three of your absolute favorites?

    by psc4813

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