November 2024
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    1. This post reminded me of a series of books called “star trek technical manuals” which apparently contain essays/blueprints explaining the tech in the show. But I haven’t read them maybe someone else could fill in if they are actually good.

    2. Smooth-Review-2614 on

      There is a long line of Science of ….. for a lot of SFF series or IPs. There are also some philosophy ones. I remember one for Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pooh, Dr. Who and Discworld.

    3. **What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions** by Randall Munroe doesn’t confine itself to a single subject, but rather presents a series of questions related to pop-sci and pop-culture that are each answered in one or two paragraphs. The answers are hilarious in a deadpan delivery.

      An example question is: “What would happen if you hit a baseball pitched at 90% of the speed of light?”

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