October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I’ve challenged myself to read as many books from the Disturbing Books Iceberg as possible. Why? Because why not.

    This book was just sad.

    Literally, there is no joy or happiness. Well, except for about half of the first chapter. Then the accident happens and it all goes downhill.

    I can’t even begin to comment of the resilience the Dollanganger children have. Most people would have gone insane in that attic after a year.

    I must say, it takes a certain kind of gift to write this story. Just think about it. 95% of the story is Cathy talking about being trapped in the attic. Sounds like a really boring story. But Andrews manages to make every scene count.

    It took me a longer time to read this book for two reasons: the mother, and the grandmother. Holy hell, what despicable characters. I had to keep putting down the book to control my rage towards these characters.

    The final reveal about the doughnuts had my jaw on the floor. I was hoping nobody could do something THAT awful, but I was wrong.

    What do you think about this book? Did you find it disturbing?

    by RaiEnSui

    1 Comment

    1. Ok_Blackberry_284 on

      Cleo Virginia Andrews was a YA romance writer and was told her latest offering was boring and needed to spice it up. So in 2 weeks she knocked out about a 100 extra pages of scandalous gothic horror “her mother would only whisper about behind closed doors”. It’s partly based on a conversation she overheard while she was in hospital as a teenager. A doctor stated that he was illegitimate (although not a product of incest) and his mother was the sole heir to a wealthy elderly relative that was straight laced & very religious. So when the relative came to visit, his mother’s kids had to hide in the attic until the visit was over with because the mother and her parents were also pretending to be religious and straight laced. The elderly relative dropped dead and the inheritance was secured and the doctor’s family lived happily every after having pulled off the con successfully.

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