October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I would like to read some more books but haven’t found any fitting ones. I’m only really looking for fantasy books, preferably in a different setting then our world (so different continent, no tech like phones or cars, etc). I quite like dragons, so while it’s not a requirement, it’s definitely bonus points. I don’t like romance. Or well, when a book starts with romance to be specific. I want to care about the characters before they just decide that they like each other.

    Here are some of the books I’ve read and what I thought of them so you can get a better idea of what I like.

    Harry Potter:
    I’m only halfway through the first book but I don’t know if I want to read further. It’s not annoying to read but I don’t feel there is a goal? I’ve only seen a few days at the school? I don’t get what the point is as I haven’t found a reason to care for the characters.

    Absolutely loved all the books! It’s such adventure packed and made me actually care for the characters in a way I wanted them to end up with each other. I normally don’t like romance but this hit different because I got to know the characters before they got a crush on someone. Saphira is such a fun character too, I love how they wrote her.

    Wings of fire:
    More children oriented but overall fun. I like how all the characters had such distinct personalities.

    Warriors cats:
    Again, more of a children’s book, I’ve only read the first arc when I was quite a bit younger but it was nice nonetheless.

    The cruel prince:
    I haven’t gotten very far in the first book. I really hated the interactions, it just felt like things weren’t thought out. At one point Jude gets asked what she wanted most to be granted that, and her response just seemed so on the spot. As if she made up something then since she had to say something. Overall I found it painful to read.

    All suggestions are appreciated! If I can help with more information then feel free to ask. Idk if this is too specific or not at all.

    by Misty_Drawzz


    1. thearmadillo on

      *The Lies of Locke Lamora* – follow a gang of thieves in steampunk Venice

      *The Final Empire* by Brandon Sanderson – A group of magic users recruit a new member into their effort to overthrow an emperor who has lived for 1,000 years. First book in a stand-alone trilogy. Sanderson has roughly 6,000 other books if you find you like him, but this is a great entry point into his works.

    2. Positive_Deer6281 on

      You might like Seraphina by Rachel Hartman—beautifully written on top of being a good story.

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