September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! So I’ve been trying to get into romance novels for quite a long time now (way…way too long…) and I’ve had the hardest time finding something that I liked since my taste seems to really clash with what seems to be popular, so I was hoping some of y’all might be able to help me out.

    I’m aware that I’m really picky, so if the book I’m looking for doesn’t exist…well, it was worth a shot.

    What I’m looking for (mandatory):
    – No spice
    – A soft/calm heroine (not necessarily weak, just somebody who is on the gentler side in her behaviour…I’ve been really worn down by “fiesty” and “sassy” heroines lately…)
    – A heroine who is more on the shy side when it comes to romance (i.e., blushing and stuttering and all that jazz)
    – An amicable relationship dynamic (they don’t have to be best-friends right off the bat, but I’m really tired of this trend of constant bickering between the love interests)
    – A mischievous and/or villainous male lead

    What I’d prefer (not mandatory, but would be nice):
    – A fantasy or mystery….or just something generally not too grounded in reality ig
    – A flirty male lead
    – The male lead is super protective of the heroine
    – The male and female leads do not know each other before the book starts

    What I DON’T want (avoid at all costs):
    – Love triangle
    – Love/hate or enemies to lovers (the only exception here is if it’s enemies to lovers but…like don’t hate each other, if that makes sense? Star-crossed lovers ig.)
    – Insta-love
    – No childhood friends to lovers

    Again, sorry for my pickiness and thanks in advance!

    by Emi1013

    1 Comment

    1. “Wearing the Cape” Wholesome *realistic* Superhero Stories. The romance is what you describe but secondary to the adventure story.

      “The Sackkets” (Ride the River in particular) Technically a “western” series but the romances fall under your description.

      Anything by George Macdonald, This man was a found of the kind of romances you describe. “Sir Gibbie” might be a good place to start.

      “Flying Sparks” a science fantasy adventure , again the romance is what you describe but it is secondary.

      “Anne of Green Gables” and all of the other wonderful worlds of L. M. Montgomery have these kinds of romances.

      “Cranford” by Elizabeth Gaskell. Lots of little romantic stories of the kind you describe.

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