# edit: Wow, there’s so many great looking leads. Thanks for narrowing my search for material guys. Looks like I’ll have stuff to look through for weeks, but keep ’em coming if you think of something similar to what I’ve loved in the past
\^\^\^\^Thank you so much :D\^\^\^\^
*(I’m not a big reader, but I was just gifted a hand-me-down Kindle e-ink book reader and I’m really digging it)*
Some fantasy/sci-fi/action/etc. books that I enjoyed enough to re-read:
Ender’s Shadow, Ender’s Game – *Orson Scott Card*
Neverwhere, Coraline – *Neil Gaiman*
Irregular Creatures, Shotgun Gravy & Bait Dog, and Bad Blood & Double Dead- *Chuck Wendig*
Also, I would ***really*** like to visit a new author, but if these guys wrote anything better or just similar then my ears are open. By the way, no subject matter is taboo, I just want it to fit the genres I mentioned. TIA for any input guys!)
by iforget_iremember