Some background: I’ve always wanted to be a “reader” but had trouble getting into books and actually finishing them. In the past couple of years, I’ve started setting minor goals for myself like finishing a handful of books during a year and then finishing a book per month last year. This year, I set a more “lofty” goal for myself to read 20 books and loaded myself up with some books that I found through some creators on BookTok, trying to get a mix of genres outside of my usual true crime/murder mystery and I’m extremely proud to say that I’ve made my way through 15 books at this point mid-March.
One of my favorite books was One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig. It took me by surprise but as soon as I finished it, I went out and bought the second book in the duology Two Twisted Crowns. I’ve finished these books over a month ago and I’ve been really wanting to get another fantasy novel that had the same feeling, whatever that is. I’m looking for stand alone novels or short duologies/trilogies but I’m not completely opposed to a longer series. Thanks!
by Ratifa