November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello and First of all .. Thanks for reading this post (´・ω・`) ..

    Before i start , i should say that my mind is chaotic so this would probably take me few hours to write .. Soo if some things dont make sense, you can contact me..

    I am looking for Books and Novels that fit my taste, normally i would say that any kind of genre is fine with me, as long as i enjoy the read, i would finish it.

    But thats not all ways the case, ofc i have finished books that i would like to punch the person writing them, but that is because they focus on things that i find tedious and dull ..

    im into Fiction/Fantasy and i say fantasy because the more elements that fiction has the better it would be, because it would make me ponder about the world / natural laws / life ..etc.. extra points if its thought provoking with philosophical topics that can make one doubt life, i would enjoy it even if its dark or depressing or giving up on life .. anyway i dont have many categories for reads that i avoid , mainly history and harem/romance, because history is just boring, i know it can be interesting and we can learn a lot from it but thats not my goal for reading ..
    and harem/romance is not something i find interesting because i find it stupid.. ofc if its for character growth and if written well, then i wont mind..

    here is the things i dont like, and most authors focus on those things so its hard for me to find a good read.. in most books/novels i read (like 80-90%), the authors focus on friendship/ protection/ honor/ respect/ family/ self-discovery/ faithfulness / belief..etc.. like i dont mind them that much but when its focused on every 1-2 pages/chapters its annoying as heck and they have to lower the logical thinking of the characters so readers can get attached/relate more easily, plus be it for drama or filler, the characters ignore a lot of flags and foreshadowing and then after some pages they suffer and its written soo… well not badly but when 60% of the book is like this its frustrating to finish, like the 60-80% of the books/novels ive finished felt like they ware for children/teens .. its like for friendship, for caring about others, for protection..etc.. like the character got stabbed and they still are naive as heck ಠ_ಠ .. though like i said, if it’s done right, i would enjoy it nonetheless..

    anyway enough about that, here are the things i enjoy and would like to read..
    when it comes to the world , it doesnt matter how close it is to reality and stuff, i can picture few plots that even in real world it would be interesting to read about..
    the characters should be normal humans at first but the longer they experience stuff the more wise they should be.. not DUMBER -.- anyway, they should pick on clues and read the red/ death flags that crop up and avoid stupid pitfalls and can notice foreshadowing.. even if they are not aware of whats going to happen, because of the hints they have noticed, they would be prepared..

    i also dont mind if its dark/ gory/ traumatic/ tragedy.. as long as it’s not written for 10-20yo.. then its fine with me.. like my mentality has already been hardened, all this self discovery or overcoming obvious things just tire me out..

    like ive read some books where at first the main character was this BADASS person, dark, unfeeling, wise, cold, careful..etc.. and for the first half of the book it was going above normal.. basically no one could mess with him and then the author had to go on the route for self healing/ letting go of the past/ being a better person/ letting others to get close/ accept faults..etc.. and im like THE HECK WAS WRONG WITH HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE..

    like the character was written very well but to make them more relatable or for drama , they had to lower the logical thought process that he should have.. for example for drama or stuff, its written that they do stupid stuff that its obvious that it would lead to tragedy. and when it happens they are totally shocked -.- like the dude at the beginning was such a BADASS but now he is like some naive person that have not experienced life .. where did his characteristic have gone.. anyway

    like i dont mean that i want to read about a person being a edgelord and then go through a whole book of him edging >.> though thinking about it.. it would be fun (·ω·) ..

    i just want the characters to use their brain and for the book to be a bit logical and they notice stuff.. thats all

    P.S. i would love for it to be a mature book/novel and by mature i dont mean romance/erotica/dating/sexual..etc.. i mean blood/ gore/ backstabs/ blackmail/ plotting/ scheming/ questioning life and society..etc..

    by unikal3n

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