October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I started reading *The Forever War* because it saw that a lot of people viewed it as Haldeman’s answer to Heinlein’s *Starship Troopers,* which I enjoyed but disagreed with the philosophy of. I was aware going into it that the book was informed by Haldeman’s experience in Vietnam, but didn’t know much else about what to expect.

    Holy shit, this was a good book. Mandella’s increasing levels of isolation from those around him as he continues to be thrown forward in time by the effects of traveling at relativistic speeds is heartbreaking. He’s continually surrounded by people who might as well be aliens because of how different the world they’ve grown up in was. Throughout it all, his one touchstone to his own world is Marygay. When they are given orders to different parts of the galaxy, they know that time dilation will prevent them from ever seeing each other again. The reveal at the end that Marygay is waiting of him on a ship circling a planet at near light speed so that she’s effectively frozen in time was an unexpected and beautiful one.

    Also, the tragedy of this pacifist getting swept up in a war he didn’t agree with and getting his life so thoroughly upended that he enlists again when his first tour is over is incredibly written. The fact that the war lasts nearly a millenium and is exactly as pointless as he always felt it was is incredibly poignant and the fact that this is revealed with all the subtlety of a rhinoceros in a nitroglycerine warehouse is amazing.

    I thought the story wrapped up so well that I’m hesitant to pickup the next book in the series. This feels like one of the most complete stories I’ve ever read and I’m worried that the sequel will detract from it.

    Anyone else feel the same way? Can anyone weigh in on whether or not the sequels are worth reading? Any recommendations of similar books?

    by Wolfhound1142


    1. a_bearded_hippie on

      I enjoyed this book FAR more than Starship Troopers. Troopers was very bland for me, and I never really felt connected to any of the characters. I was very invested in Mandella, though. It was very well written, and I loved the concept. I might actually pick up the next book because I didn’t even realize there was more than one!

    2. I loved it! I didn’t think the sequels were nearly as good, but I love his other books!

    3. The bit when the go back to earth with the farm and such was amazing. Just the world building and the culture shock.

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