I really enjoy fantasy and scifi and far away worlds but the genre is irrelevant as long as it fits the trope. I’d prefer a male protagonist though.
What I’m looking for is a story centering around a character that gets stuck into a place/ role/ situation he doesn’t want to be. It could be conscripted, imprisoned, enslaved or maybe a martial setting with orders he doesn’t want to execute. Or even something more mundane like stuck in a job he doesn’t want.
Anything as long as the focus of the story is at least in part him having to play the cards he’s been dealt with, struggling, finding his footing etc. Bonus points if there’s two character and the other one is the lord/master/superior giving out the orders and they slowly grow to like each other as the story develops.
Fantastic examples of this would be:
Transformation by Carol Berg,
The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells
Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb
Tuyo by Rachel Neumier
Shogun by James Clavell
I’ve probably read or at least had a look to most of the famous books fitting this trope so anything a bit more unknown would be very welcome.
Thank you in advance!
by Ok-Way4643