October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read the Wizard of Earthsea book more than 10 years ago, in grade 8. I’ve lost the details, but I still remember the sort of melancholy mood it had. Though there were parts of it that I found boring but the climax is something that has stuck with him even though I couldn’t fully understand the symbolism then.

    The image/symbolism is of him running to all corners of the earth but realising that it is in merging with his shadow that he will escape the torture. It’s an image that I kept coming back to over the years not knowing what to make of it. Then, about 2 years ago I was having a terrible quarter life crisis about who I was, what I was doing in life.
    I was raised in a religious household and my constant push to be ‘nice’ and ‘good’ was proving bad for my own mental health and my relationship with the world. Then, I came across Jung’s integration of the shadow self concept.
    Le Guin’s story, in tandem with the whatever I understood out of Jung’s concept, helped me understand my ‘guilt’ better and bring some moderation in my life. Everytime I feel myself escaping my own negative judgements of myself, I think of Ged and how human he was and it makes me think of how human I am and I feel a little better.

    by Kerra233


    1. IronFleshAutomaton on

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