October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is going to be a tough one. I love sci-fi, fiction, romance, paranormal etc…He is serious. He has been reading the same non-fictional book on the Chinese Treasure Fleet for about 10 years and refuses to put it down until he finishes it. (I feel like he secretly hates it but it’s now his white whale. ) We’ve read other things together like the hunger games and Game of Thrones and he really liked them. He’s just dead set right now on reading something with true historical context. Any suggestions that can satisfy us both?

    by LAS2573


    1. TarikeNimeshab on

      Maybe **The Terror** by Dan Simmons? It’s a horror novel based on the “Franklin’s lost expedition” which was an arctic expedition lead by Sir John Frankling in 1845. I loved it. It has a bit of romance as well at the end.

    2. The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. Starts with *Quicksilver.* Epic historical fiction with just a teeny tiny fantastical element. It spans from the mid 1600’s to early 1700’s and it is very detailed, thoroughly researched, historically accurate. Contains plenty of adventure, drama, encounters with famous historic people, a small amount of romance. It’s a bit thick, and certainly a more difficult read than Game of Thrones, but it has great characters and action. Being so dense and full of detail makes it incredibly immersive; you really feel like you are right there with these characters running around 17th century Europe. I think you would both really enjoy it.

      In a similar vein you might try *Outlander* (more drama+romance, less historically accurate) or *The Pillars of the Earth* (accurate and detailed, not as adventurous and thrilling) but neither of them really holds a candle to *Quicksilver*.

    3. pattyforever on

      The Poppy War by RF Kuang!! It is heavily inspired by real Chinese history, which I think he will love, but it is also an exciting, engaging fantasy work.

    4. Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay

      It is based on the An Shi Rebellion during the Tang dynasty of China. But since it a historical fantasy, not historical fiction it isn’t referred to as that and there are hints of the fantastical included. The writing style is beautiful and the characters are very well developed.

    5. CaluneOnWings on

      Brotherless Night by V. V. Ganeshananthan. Historical fiction about the Sri Lankan civil war. I just finished it and loved it, and I think it would be a great one to be able to discuss. It has just been longlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2024 as well

    6. petulafaerie_III on

      No Friend but the Mountains by Behrouz Boochani is non-fiction, but written in a very “storytelling” prose style.

    7. Maiden Voyages: Magnificent Ocean Liners and the Women Who Traveled and Worked Aboard Them

      A non-fiction book containing tales of women who worked on Ocean Liners. I bought it to read on a cruise and found it very enjoyable. I think it hits both your interests 🙂

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