I got some sweet birthday cash right now that I would like to spend on some books. I am thinking of The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga (it won the Man Booker in 2008), but that’s just one book. I have enough to buy at least two more books and if I don’t spend it right now I will end up wasting it on pizza.
Some stuff that I read recently and enjoyed:
1. Escape from Camp 14
2. Dear Leader
(Both of these were non-fiction novels by North Korean defectors. I like non fiction stuff like this)
3. Kafka on the Shore, Men Without Women, The Elephant Vanishes (I prefer Murakami’s short stories)
4. The Namesake
I seriously doubt anybody here has read this stuff on this subreddit, apart from Murakami.
I dislike books that have non linear plots, or books that try to act smart and confuse you (like Donnie Darko)- no offense to DD fans. I also enjoy reading classical literature like Dostoevsky, but I would like to read something more modern right now.
by Impressive_Clerk_643