October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for preferably a series written for adults that is a little whimsical and is set in a world of magic that isn’t dark or tragic and nobody gets murdered and isn’t mainly a romance. I don’t mind romance subplots but not the main storyline. Maybe a slice of life?

    by ckayshears


    1. omniscientcats on

      I know nothing about this book and haven’t read it myself but I’ve heard people discuss it in similar threads: Legends and Lattes I think it was called.

    2. ZealousidealBid1068 on

      If you are looking for fun and relaxation, check out author Elaine Franklin’s “Once Upon a Time in Beverly Hills;” – it’s a fabulous blend of escapism & realism – a fun romp through the glamour & pitfalls of society & show biz.

      Summary: Being overweight in Beverly Hills is a felony! Joanna Leighton, an interior designer on a local TV show, is thrilled the show’s going national & crushed when told she must quickly lose weight or lose her job. Joanna wishes on a **magic ring** in an antique store & becomes skinny but her life goes topsy-turvy!

      The very first page had me laughing aloud. I love the three main characters who are dear friends that support each other through thick and thin. The book’s allure captivates long after its ending!


    3. AyeTheresTheCatch on

      Sourdough, by Robin Sloan. Very charming, just slightly magical, lighthearted and not a romance.

    4. Discworld series! Limited on murder and romance though when romance is involved it’s not a focus or sordid. Actually it’s often kinda funny.

    5. The House in the Cerulean Sea has magical creatures in it and set in a magical world. Its a beautiful, comforting book that does have a side romance but is definitely not a main feature

    6. HughHelloParson on

      Satanic Verses and Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie

      Also The Ground Beneath her Feet by Sir Salman

      Ada by Vladimir Nabokov


      Tour of the Black Clock and Zeroville by Steve Erickson

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