September 2024
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    I don’t consider myself a science fiction fan. I’d never read the Dune books, for example. I do like some post-apocalyptic novels (LOVED “The Passage” by Justin Cronin).
    I keep thinking of this Vonnegut book we had to read in tenth grade, “Sirens of Titan”. That was like 35 years ago, so it made a definite impression.

    I’m trying to step out of my normal genres (last three novels I read were “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine”, “A Little Life” and “On Earth We are Briefly Gorgeous”). I’d be open to do post apocalyptic similar to Cronin or sci-fi-ish like “Sirens of Titan”

    Whatcha got??

    by fyrdancr


    1. I mean when anyone says post apocalypse book I immediately think of The Road. I’d recommend more Vonnagut, Cats Cradle or Slaughter House 5 come to mind and Player Piano I think is very overlooked.

    2. fragments_shored on

      “Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel, or Justin Cronin’s newest book, “The Ferryman”!

    3. along_withywindle on

      You might enjoy *The Left Hand of Darkness* by Ursula K LeGuin. It’s a sci-fi classic, but the sci-fi components are not complicated. The focus of the story is the characters: the reader explores nationalism, sexism, and gender roles through the lens of sci-fi.

    4. Absolutely read Parable of the sower (and talents) by Octavia e Butler

      Others might be The road by Cormac McCarthy, station eleven by St John Mandel. Maybe Chain Gang All-stars. It may be more speculative–akin to hunger games but not very far future. More an extension of existing systems that could happen today.

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