October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Lets say that the fourth book to a series came out and it’s a series that you genuinely love and get really excited to read, not just any bland series. It’s been a while since you read the third book, do you read the third book again to refresh your memory before reading the latest fourth book that came out?


    by melonwithafelon


    1. No. I get said new book then sit in my room for a solid 10 minutes recalling everything I can from the previous one and then read the new book

    2. No I usually just read the Wikipedia synopsis or the supersummary book summary. Too time consuming to reread the earlier books imo

    3. CoziestSheet on

      Generally, as long as it isn’t a terribly complicated world that’s built up to then, I’ll dive in and prob read the prologue or whatever is at the beginning and begin to recall what was noteworthy and imaginative or beloved to me. I like feeling reimmersed to most series this way and it helps me feel more intimately attached to characters and stories. Sometimes l also look back at previous entries’ annotations as I’m liable to highlight anything that really “gets me good”.

    4. I usually find myself a summary of the previous books online, if the book is popular enough. Otherwise I find that memory usually comes back while I’m reading the new one

    5. occasional_idea on

      Historically I usually haven’t, but I love a reread so I might. I don’t think I’d have to reread them all or start with the new one, though.

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