September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everybody, I’m UK based and have recently been sorting through all my books. I buy the majority of my books secondhand, and when I’m finished with them, unless I really enjoyed them, I’ll pass them on as I’m really passionate about people having access to books (including newer books) in good condition which they can read. I was wondering if anybody knew of ways to give books to others (I have already put some in little free libraries), as I don’t want to just drop them off at the charity shop as I know that not everything that goes to the charity shop sells, and I would like if possible to be able to give these books to others for free (or very cheaply) so others can enjoy them.

    by KeyCap1955


    1. In the tesco near me their is a big book shelf at the front wich is give a book, take a book

    2. Maybe try leaving them a couple at a time at your Bus Station. Your doctor’s office might like them. Sounds odd, but maybe a courthouse waiting room. If you take public transport, leave one behind on there.

    3. ungrateful-spoon on

      Not sure if this is what you meant, but have you tried PangoBooks? You can buy/sell books on there. My understanding is that you can sell your books at any price. You might not be able to give them away for free but you can sell them at a very low cost!

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