When looking for useful books, people often look for non fiction titles.
However, in this thread I’m asking you which **fiction books (novels, stories, etc)**, have you found most *useful*?
By useful I mean things like the following:
* giving you an interesting new perspective on the world / new way to look at things
* teaching you interesting ideas – ideas about life, people, relationships, philosophical ideas, etc…
* teaching you how to overcome adversity
* inspiring you to make some changes in your life
* warning you about something… like cautionary tale kind of thing
* teaching you about some interesting lifestyles… giving you cool ideas about how to have fun, how to enjoy life, teaching you about interesting activities, hobbies, pastimes
* giving you business ideas (yes, even that)
* teaching you about whatever interesting cool things that you could talk about in a bar… and that would make you a more interesting person… Giving you interesting material for conversations
* helping you better understand and evaluate your own position and situation in life
* etc…
by zjovicic
– The Lord of the Rings, definitely
– Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell
– The Annotated Alice, by Martin Gardner
-60% of Orwell
-90% of all Science Fiction