September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    There was a prison inmate in the city of Porto (located in northern Portugal) during the 19th century named Camilo Castelo Branco.

    This prison inmate wrote a book while being in prison named *Amor de Perdição* that ended up being a national book (fun fact: the street in front of the prison where he was imprisoned is now named Amor de Perdição street)

    And this book is my favourite portuguese book of the 19th century, the story has a lot of plot-twists and sometimes it looks like a modern teenager romance book but other moments it looks like a mystery book.

    The story isnt obvious, it changes constantly and its never what you expect, a lot of 19th century portuguese writers are famous by their long stories but Castelo Branco is an obvious exception.

    Unfortunately, this book is only in portuguese but maybe one day everyone in the world will be able to read the story that changed the life of a criminal and made him one of the most respected people in Portugal.


    by CRNXD38


    1. After just reading the headline I thought you were talking about the Austrian man with the funny moustache. Scared me for a sec.

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