September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Piggybacking off an earlier post about the synopsis being replaced with reviews on the back cover of some books, do you read these reviews, and/or allow them to influence your decision to buy/read the book?

    I personally have never paid any attention to them, solely because I already know it’s going to be nothing but praise for the book, and probably isn’t going to say anything that’s gonna get me more interested in the book.

    I also think it’s kind of a waste, especially when they do it inside of the book. I’ve seen some book use 4-5 pages for reviews, and it makes me wonder if it was really necessary to use that much paper for it.

    by Cubsfan11022016


    1. jews_on_parade on

      ive only read them out of curiosity and extreme boredom. ive never bought a book based off one.

    2. Nope. Never.

      I hate them and never read them out of spite. If I somehow do read one, it’s only because a friend happened to recommend the same title.

    3. Advanced_Special_502 on

      I’ll read them if they’re spoiler-free to see different verdicts and a general consensus but I won’t take notice of any of them. One book I could hate and others will love, and vice versa, so I take them with a pinch of salt

    4. No, because the content of the review doesn’t matter. If a well-known author reviews the book, I care that the author reviewed it. Anything printed in that section is guaranteed to be good, so I get no useful information out of them, except that the book is well-known enough to be reviewed by a well-known author.

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