September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have set a target of 30 books in 2024, and my 4th book was The Midnight Library. I brought this on a recommendation off someone. I can’t actually remember whether they were enthusiastic about the book, but I really liked the premise of it when she described it to me.

    I have to admit I wasn’t blown away by it, but I didn’t hate it either. I did think that the book lacked a certain substance. There could have been more lives, rather than trying to be the best in each one: >!Olympic swimmer, rock star, glaciologist !< – the idea of these lives seemed a bit >!repetitive!< . If there was a better variation of choices I think it would have enjoyed it better.

    I still stand by my comment that I think the idea of the book was really good, but it didn’t live up to the expectation or potential of what it could have been. It was a short book, maybe if it was longer and had more “ingredients” to it may have been better? I don’t know.. I was kind of hoping it would go on for a bit longer because it felt… anti-climatic is the word I think I am looking for.

    Anti-climactic, in the sense that you knew what was coming so your brain couldn’t have the orgasmic “WOW” moment. I like to be caught off guard.

    The ending was nice, it had a good message, and I did ear mark some bits of writing I liked because I thought they were good lines/pieces of advice that could be adapted.

    I’d recommend it.

    by Plumsandpeaches1-Xx

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