September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m halfway through Yellowface, and I’m not sure I can finish. Not because it’s bad or because I’m not intrigued, but because it’s causing me so much anxiety.

    June is a terrible person, and she has done a terrible thing. I’m waiting for this to blow up in her face, and it’s going to be like watching a train wreck. And I can’t. I can’t even watch “The Office” without leaving the room when Michael Scott does something dumb. I’ve read this book with my shoulders hunched up around my ears because I’m preparing for the ball to drop on June any minute. How can I finish this book?

    I can’t decide if I just want to stop now or just plow through.

    by DiscoDeathStar

    1 Comment

    1. If it’s causing you that much of a physical reaction and you dislike it, just stop. Only you can decide.

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