September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Dear community,

    Hopefully you can help me out.

    I have an audiobook of The Count of Monte Cristo which I really like. Normally I read along in a physical book or ebook since English isn’t my first language. Especially in historical fiction.

    Now I have a problem. This book has been published many times. So I didn’t find any copy that matches exactly the text of the audiobook. I found one that is similar but it is still too different. Which is very annoying to me.

    This is where I hope you guys can help me. The audiobook is presented by Books on Tape read by Richard Matthews. After visiting the Overdrive site it seems like this audiobook has been released 22 August 2006. So the (e)book Richard was reading from must be before that. The cover on this site also matches with the image of my audiobook. So this release date seems to be correct.

    I tried Googling the text to track down the exact copy. But no dice.

    Exact piece of audiobook text from Chapter 1: (this ebook was the most similar I could find)
    “As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding the Château d’If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgiou and the island of Rion. Immediately, and according to custom, the platform of Fort Saint – Jean was covered with spectators; it is always an event at Marseilles for a ship to come into port, especially when this ship, like the Pharaon, has been built, rigged, and laden at the stocks of the old Phocee, and belonged to an owner of the city.”

    Differences with ebook
    \- Rion Island | The isle of Rion
    \- Ramparts | Platform
    \- At the old Phocee docks, and belongs to an owner of the city | stocks of the old Phocee, and belonged to an owner of the city.

    You see this is only a short text but has already many differences. Even though this was the most similar copy. For a book with this many pages there will be too many differences. If I want to commit to it, I would like it to be the best experience.

    My question to you is if you know the exact version I am searching for(see text)? Or do you know how I could find it? The physical version would be fine too. But I would want to buy the exact same copy.

    Thank you so much for your help. If I need to clarify something. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

    Have a nice evening.


    by ElektrischeTijd

    1 Comment

    1. Microsoft Copilot search (through MS Edge browser)

      I searched the web for you, but I could not find any ebook that uses the exact words “the isle of Rion” and “platform” in Chapter 1. The closest one I found was this one, which is a free ebook from Project Gutenberg. However, it still has some differences from your audiobook, such as using “the island of Rion” and “the platform of Fort Saint-Jean”.

      Perhaps prompt Copilot (chat GPT backed) more about what you are looking for. It generally knows the text of many books

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