October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Dear fellow readers,

    I am regular 9 to 5 person, this days I am finding it hard to read even for 20 minutes in a day.

    I would like to know, from people who have normal 9 to 5 demanding job and still are keeping up with reading.


    _ Do you read on weekends?
    _ Do you read on weekdays? Then how
    _ Do you have speed that I should develop ?

    Please help I didn’t read a single book this year:(

    I appreciate all insights and assistance in advance.

    Thank you!

    by Ok_Professional_9832


    1. On and off but all the time for me. If I’m in a book I really am enjoying it turns into reading on my breaks, lunch, while commuting. Usually I’m relatively consistent about reading an hour or so at night, but it’s for fun, so it’s not really a rule.

    2. I read at lunch, when I’m in the bath, when I’m in bed before I go to sleep. Sometimes I read in the evening if my wife wants to watch one of her shows.

    3. I have the pleasure/nightmare of the daily commute – throw on noise cancelling headphones and can get 60 mins of reading done to and from work.

      In the evenings I try to read a bit in the hour or so before I need to be asleep too.

    4. Remote_Valuable_4372 on

      I’m not rlly a 9 to 5 person because I go to school. But I can virtually only read before going to bed like I’ll read when it’s day sometimes but thats kind of an exception.

    5. While i am retired now in my 9-5 days i was a voracious reader then. I would get up early read for ike 30 mins while enjoying my coffee. Then i read on my public transit commute. often i would eat lunch and read.

    6. rimeswithburple on

      Get Kindle app on phone. Standing in line at post office, in checkout line, during lunch, riding the train/bus? Read on your phone. Just don’t read while driving.

    7. RobertEmmetsGhost on

      I read on my lunch breaks during the week, and usually for an hour or two in the evenings. I always bring a book with me if I’m taking the bus or the train as well, that’s often an hour of reading per journey.

    8. I’m 9-5 and commute into an office. I read on my way to and from work. I also try to read before bed to relax. If I work from home, sometimes at lunch.

    9. Important-Bit-1402 on

      Idk if it’s possible in your case but i usually wake up half an hour early to read. And if u use public transportation try reading on the bus or train.

    10. I seem to have struggled to read books since the pandemic and I have no idea why! It feels as though my levels of concentration have totally dropped. Before, I would read quite regularly but in the last couple of years I have only read a few books, and more often than not I haven’t finished them. It’s as though I’m distracted all the time with other things and find it hard to focus. Sorry, that’s probably no help at all but just wanted to say that I feel the same..

    11. InvisibleSpaceVamp on

      If you work till 5 that’s like 5 hours or more before you go to bed? Sounds like a lot of time to read, even if you thrown in activities like driving home, eating dinner, going to the gym or talking to the family.

      In my experience, a lot of the “no time to read” people just spend a lot more free time looking at screens (that aren’t e-readers) than me.

    12. Optimal-Tune-2589 on

      I wake up at 5, and can usually find half an hour to read before leaving for the gym and starting my day. After work, I usually can have all my chores and whatnot done by 7 or 7:30, giving me a couple more hours to read before going to bed at 10. 

    13. No kids and I usually prefer to read than watch tv. I almost always have a book with me if I’m out for any real amount of time – taxis and Uber, planes, airports, eating out on my own, lunch and breaks at work, etc. I take a book to the baseball game – unless it’s very engrossing it’s easy to follow both.

    14. SkittishScottish on

      I keep Kindle open on my work computer and read when I have a few spare minutes. My job is cool with this though, yours might not be.

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