October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading Stoner (for the second time actually). I read it last year and was just mesmerized and enthralled, and something had been urging me to read it again with more scrutiny.

    If you were to read a high level plot summary of this novel, you’d think it may be a most boring story.

    However, Williams takes us on the journey of one man’s ordinary life, and with the simple, beautiful, and wholly matter-of-fact style of writing, is able to captivate the reader into following this life. There is no wasted space in this novel. Every line seems to have a purpose.

    What I love is how simply Williams guides us through this life, often simply by jumping a few years ahead in one paragraph to the next, it mimics how fleeting time truly is, and how we age, and change, and grow, and how in the end we as humans all share the same fate (what did you expect?).

    If you have not read this novel, I must recommend it. It is a masterpiece on an ordinary life and the human condition.

    How does everyone else feel about this book?

    by I_Fuck_Whales

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