September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    At this point in my life, ( 24/M, SDE @ MAANG), I don’t love coding anymore and sick of it. I feel isolated in the desk job.

    Csn somebody suggest me a good read on how to know what you love or rather explore? And what is the best to do from this point?

    Book that changed someone’s life or perspective :p

    by rlhamwb


    1. I don’t have a specific book in mind, but have you asked yourself what kind of environment you would like to work in? And what level of physical or mental labor you’re aiming to put up with? After you figure those two things out you can pretty much explore most career fields that fit that bubble.

    2. I’ve read a few career books and honestly wouldn’t recommend any. Greatest insight I got was talking to ppl. College and HS friends, family and hear them talk about their careers and experience.

    3. ReignGhost7824 on

      This isn’t what you asked for, but I’m also a coder. Maybe the problem is the environment at a MAANG company and not coding itself? I actually decided I wouldn’t like it in college, then liked it much better when I got a job. But I work for govt, not commercial, and it’s much less stress. That being said, what about AWS DevOPs? It’s kind of a side move career wise. I’ve been reading books on AWS certifications for my job.

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