September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone, would anyone like to participate in a series of questions about your reading habits, and what appeals to you? It’s for a school assignment.

    What do you read for pleasure?
    What books do you like to read?
    What series do you like to read?
    What genres are you drawn to?
    What is your favourite book?
    Who is your favourite author (or authors)?
    How do you choose a book to read?
    Do you read for pleasure, school, or work? What is your opinion about reading for pleasure?

    by Electrical-Use1315

    1 Comment

    1. Fiction pleasure would be mysteries/thrillers. Nonfiction would be more anthropological or evolution books.

      I like to read most books except like fluffy romance books

      Janet evanovich has a good series following a bail bonds agent(?) that ive enjoyed. I grew up series like LOTR and harry potter.

      Mystery/thrillers have held onto me the longest, with sciencey nonfiction books becoming more popular with me as of late

      As far as favourite books or authors…thats like trying to pick a favourite child 😭

      Honestly sometimes I send my sister a picture of some books and let her pick my next read

      I read mostly for pleasure. I think reading is good for your attention span, whether physically reading or audiobook, almost like you work more for the dopamine 🤷‍♀️ dont know if theres any basis for that opinion tho

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