October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Let me start off by saying I really enjoyed the book. The characters, the themes, all of it. But the ending kind of ruined the immersion for me, so I’ve come here to see if anyone can change my mind.

    Now, this may seem a bit silly and nitpicky, but really, Adam’s last words were Timshel? The guy’s just had a stroke a few hours ago. The book makes a point of how he doesn’t have much cognitive function left. And somehow, while being distressed about his son telling him he’s killed his brother, he digs up a a Hebrew word from a conversation 15 years ago?

    One of the issues I have is this – I never got the impression that Timshel meant that much to Adam, in the same way it did to Samuel or Lee. It didn’t feel natural for Adam to use that word – it felt way too on the nose and completely broke the immersion for me. I completely understand the meaning in the context, with Adam telling Cal to break the cycle of destruction, but I feel like it would’ve been better if Adam just said “you choose” or some similar sentiment, as his own version of Timshel.

    Again, I know it’s quite nitpicky. But the fact that one single word has managed to sour what has otherwise been a phenomenal story for me is driving me crazy. Can anyone help me see why it’s a fitting last word?

    by throwaway2202696


    1. I didn’t hate the book, but I thought it peaked halfway through when Adam and Lee had that conversation. Then the second half of the book plays out and ends in a similar way the first half did, with that revelatory statement. It landed the first time but then the second time I was sitting there thinking “Yeah, I already understand this.” Imo it felt like there wasn’t much purpose to that part of the story. I tend to agree with you.

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