September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey book enthusiasts,

    When you’re diving into the depths of a non-fiction book, do you feel compelled to mark the important bits? I find myself constantly highlighting passages and scribbling notes in the margins to capture those fleeting ‘aha’ moments.

    I’m curious about your approach:

    Do you also engage in this annotation ritual, or do you have a different method to remember key points?

    What’s your strategy for note-taking? Do you prefer the margins, a separate notebook, or something else entirely?

    I personally underline important passages and will scribble down a few things in the margin when they seem relevant or I have a “revelation”. I might also fold the corner of a page if I want to return to it later.

    Eager to hear your insights and methods!

    Happy reading!

    by Vanishing-Rabbit

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