September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I like to have a few books going at a time that I switch between depending on what I’m in the mood for. I think it’s a bit like having multiple tv shows you like to watch. Some of my friends think this is a pretty strange approach to reading. So what do you think r/books, am I a weirdo? Do any of you do the same thing, or do you prefer to read one book at a time?

    by Successful-Bike-1562


    1. I wish I didn’t have to, unfortunately I have to read lots of books for my courses (usually 40 each semester), so I’m forced to read more of them at once.

    2. Let me tell you what happened when I had access to ebooks, audiobooks, and physical books.

      I might easily get up to six at once. Which, of course, does not mean that I would try to read one book at the exact same time as listening to another. My brain would not be able to track both at a time.

    3. I have one physical book I’m reading at a time and one audiobook. So in a way, yes, though I have almost never had multiple of one type going at once.

    4. Not really I have a pretty wide range when it comes to reading and watching choices . So I have multiple books going on simultaneously. Even I prefer to read books one at a time but I can’t control it

    5. That’s me! I usually have at least three books started. Something light that I already know, something new, with more complex concepts and something that’s not that easy for me to read, but that I want to finish (English is not my first language so it’s not always easy to read some books, depending on a complexity of the language used). Plus I also have an audiobook started for the car and an ebook on my phone if I get stuck somewhere without my book and headphones for the audiobook 😁

    6. I regularly read multiple books at once, and yeah it’s exactly like watching multiple shows at once, I don’t have any trouble keeping them straight. I really like doing it this way because I always have a book no matter what I’m in the mood to read.

      Not a weirdo, different people have different preferences, what matters is you do what works for you.

    7. Flat_Narwhal_9512 on

      I usually have at least two. They have to be different genres, like a nonfiction that I’m plodding through and a spicy sci fi romance. Maybe a mystery for a third.

    8. meatwads_sweetie on

      I do that all the time. I eventually get hooked on one and read it to the end. But I always have 3 or 4 depending what I’m in the mood for.

    9. i do the same and i never get into a reading slump. always have books of different genres depending on my mood 🙂

    10. Yeah. But only one book with a story at a time. Except if it’s in french, as it’s for learning.

    11. Yes. I suspect I have ADD (undiagnosed), and have found myself reading as many as 8 books at a time, 3 or 4 pages at a time. Usually, I read 4 or 5. It helps me stay productive. I read 100+ books a year as a result. It helps if the books are different genres / format. I typically read:

      1. Series
      2. Standalone
      3. Non fiction
      4. Short stories
      5. Audiobook

      I switch between them as necessary.

    12. I used to do this once…but i found out that I’m losing the slow pace taste…i quite doing that.

    13. Powerful_Check735 on

      I have a kindle and unlimited with I have downloaded 20 plus books on it but only read one .book at a time

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