September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is inspired by Watchmen, the 2019 TV series. In that world, because of some events that happened in 1985, there is technological phobia (no laptops, no mobile phones, but everybody drives an electric car), smoking is a controlled substance (illegal), the cops have to wear masks for their own protection and can’t use a gun without calling in dispatcher for permission.

    Are there any books with very well developed worlds that get right into the meat of it and then slowly you get the context of the why is this stuff happening? That’s mostly what I’m looking for… don’t really care about other genres except for there to be Adult themes.


    by BookOfVeganism


    1. originalsibling on

      Harry Turtledove writes a lot of alternate history – some good, some mediocre. One good standalone is an odd duck in that it’s co-authored with actor Richard Dreyfus. It’s called _The Two Georges_, and it’s about an America where the Founding Fathers came to a peaceful agreement with George III, and there’s a famous painting (for which the book is titled) showing Washington’s introduction at the Royal Court.

      His best-known series is one where the Confederacy wins the Civil War, but that’s a long series (12 books or so, divided into “era” trilogies), and honestly I broke down before I got to the end.

    2. Piranesi!!! It’s so amazing! The author, Susanna Clarke also has another fantastical book called Dr. Strange and Mr Norrell which is also incredible but it’s 1000 pages long. Piranesi hooks you from the beginning and is about a third of the length

    3. The Handmaid’s Tale… at least I hope it’s alternate history and not a preview of the future, given the state of the world today..

    4. Victorian_Cowgirl on

      Blindness by Jose Saramago

      Oryx and Crake, series by Margaret Atwood

      The Stand by Steven King

      The Boy on the Bridge by M. R. Carry

      The Girl with all the Gifts by M. R. Carry

      World War Z by Max Brooks

      The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

      1984 by George Orwell

      Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

      Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

      The Children of Men by P.D James

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