September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished A Conjuring of Light, the last book in the Shades of Magic trilogy. And even tho I absolutely lived it, one of my favorite fantasy trilogy so far, one of the main characters bothered me a lot bc of their lack of consequences

    If you haven’t read it I guess this is spoilers? So, be warned.

    There is this character, Lila Bard, she is an interesting character, I like her overall, BUT she does so many things that she isn’t supposed to do and STILL no consequences, or if she gets a consequence she can simply escape it.

    Most of the characters in the book (Kell, Holland, Rhy) have life changing consequences to their actions, specially Kell and Holland.

    So, what are characters you wished had more than just a slap on the wrist?

    Note: adding to this Jules and Emma from The Dark Artifices. Their relationship as a parabatai got off too easy in the end

    by SIsForSad

    1 Comment

    1. Ascension-Warrior on

      Mallick Rel from Malazan Book of the Fallen

      Slap on the wrist? >!The dude gets to be an emperor!<

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