So for a bit of context, I’m an 18yo American student studying in Valencia Spain for the year. The great thing about Europe is how cheap and easy it is to see plenty of different places. I’ve got a decent bit of money saved up and will often take a weekend to travel.
I have a bit of a tradition at this point, which started with a collection of Susan Sontag’s journals that I began annotating. To my surprise, she travelled to Morocco then Spain / Portugal. I picked the book up in a Lisbon bookshop after a week in Marrakesh, and was delighted to see how her impressions of locations mirrored mine.
After that, I read Don Quixote around Madrid, and have picked up Ulysses to read while I’m in Ireland. In Valencia, I read Lorca & Marquez. When I went home to the States, I read Blood Meridian. Now, I have some other trips planned, and was hoping some people could recommend some “Great Novel of blank Region.” Bonus points if you’re a native or familiar with that area.
-The Pyrenees Mountains
-Southern Spain, Sevilla, Granada, Malaga
– Tours, Versailles, and Paris France
-Northern Italy & Southern Switzerland
– Berlin Germany
– Istanbul
– Oslo and Stockholm
Thanks so much!!
by spicymaemaes