September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am 20% through this book and so far each chapter is the same formula:

    * I have a problem
    * Luckily, my intelligence and \[science stuff\] and NASA being overprotective will help me
    * But wait, I might have these two risks
    * Luckily, I know about \[science stuff\]. You see chemical reactions, science, Earth. But Mars. However if I chemical reactions, science, it can Mars!!1!
    * \*Performs task that either passes or fails\*
    * Ok now I need to just maximize my \[science stuff\] so I can survive 4 years.
    * Ugh, gotta listen to disco again!

    Is that seriously it? Every chapter I have to read through Mark figuring out some problems using chemistry, geology, or something from his botany skills, and they always go over my head because I don’t really care to know about any of these processes. I’m patiently waiting for him to begin his trip because I’m sure that’s where the most interesting chapters lie, but this is just dragging on and on. Don’t even get me started on the Earth chapters. Does Weir really think a woman is going to start stuttering and cry on demand after learning some fantastic news? Are his real-life conversations with people that dull and unanimated that that’s how he perceives all interactions? Please reassure me it gets better.

    Edit: Ok I could have worded my title better because these comments hurt LOL, but I *do* understand all the lame chemistry stuff. I’m just not interested in it, especially since it happens *every chapter*. However, this is my first science-fcition book ever; I had no idea this is what most sci-fi is like! Thank you to those who told me this book is more for people who enjoy technical explanations and working through problems than something more driven by plot; I didn’t realize that when I read the synopsis. I’m still gonna try and finish it though because the premise is interesting. Maybe I’ll end up liking it as much as you all. Thanks!

    by oresteiasm

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