My girlfriend (F28) is currently in a mental health center cause she had a breakdown. She asked me for some books, cause it’s the only thing she can do to pass the time.
Explaining the background because it’s important that the book doesn’t have anything bad!
I personally enjoy existentialism and books that talks about the reality or the bad side of the human. But this isn’t something appropriate in her condition!
by surtoooo
What kind of books does she usually like?
I’d personally steer clear of anything self help. My mom wouldn’t stop buying me that kind of stuff when I was in a similar crisis and it felt deeply condescending and demeaning.
When I despair, I reread the Anne of Green Gables series because it is the most pure thing ever written. Some find it too sweet. But that’s the appeal.
Good Omens and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy are lighthearted takes on global crises, so may or may not be appropriate.
Endurance:Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage good for history/non-fiction. Uplifting story.
Project Hail Mary for sci-fi ish preference.
My son was just held as well and he wanted fantasy/world building. Just another planet or universe altogether. I hope she gets help and hope.