September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A little backstory about me is that I grew up in a very strict household and my whole life I was being pressured to read books to ‘be smart’. Due to this, I’ve always despised reading, since I never saw it as a hobby or a fun thing to do in my free time, but more as a chore.

    Recently though, I’ve been thinking of getting more into it, since I’m now an adult and I actually want to read.

    What book would you recommend to somebody like me? I’m 22M

    Open to suggestions for all genres

    Thank you in advance!

    by LaFlleur


    1. foolagainagain on

      Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Not a get smart kind of book but it is really entertaining and will hopefully kick start you into wanting to read more. 

      Don Quixote is a fun classic as well.

      If you want something more serious Frankenstein is amazing but very bleak.

    2. just_writing_things on

      Congratulations on getting more into reading! It will be really helpful if you explain what types of books you’re interested in, so folks can give better recommendations.

      Like fiction or non-fiction, types of stories or settings or characters you like, and so on.

    3. Heavy_Direction1547 on

      There are many books considered ‘classics’ for good reason, likewise the perennial best sellers. If you are going to get into reading I strongly recommend going to your local library where they can offer the books as well as suggestions based on your interests. Reading will really enrich your life. A habit to stop it ever being a chore again is to just set aside anything that hasn’t captured your interest in 30-60 minutes, you don’t need to finish books you are not enjoying and there is no cost with library books.

    4. How about a short but engaging modern classic that might hit you in the soul?

      Flowers for Algernon would be the perfect jump start. Hooks you from the first minute and progressively increases in intensity as you go on. You could finish it straight within a couple hours if you wanted, it’s simple language-wise but very mature in its themes.

      If you don’t vibe with it (doubtful) or if you want another alternative, a book you’re likely to enjoy is one you decide to read yourself. Use Reddit or Google to look for a book recc you’d like for any subject/era/genre. You want a modern murder mystery that takes place on a boat? A modern book that most accurately portrays paranoid schizophrenia? Whatever you want. And if you’re ever not enjoying something despite giving it a good shot, don’t hesitate to drop it and use your time to explore elsewhere

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