So my girl and I went to Barnes and Noble the other day in search for a book. She said our first book together would be something that catches my attention. The problem with that is I haven’t read a book since freshman year in high school. We ended up walking out with nothing. I had promised her we would read books together, so I would like to know some good book recommendations for someone who doesn’t read:) I’d be going to Barnes and Noble later today before heading over to her place. I’d like to surprise her with a book for us to read. I’m open to anything as long as it’s good and an easy read. Thank you ahead of time for your recommendations
by Hatake76
Can you narrow things down a little bit for us? I always have recommendations for non-readers but it helps to know a little about what you like—what are some TV shows or movies you like?
Honestly? Judge a book by its cover. We all do it. That’s why there’s a phrase telling you not to – because everyone does. Grab a book you like the look of from a section you’re interested in.
You could start with something simple like the Harry Potter series I guess?
Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut. Its a very quick flowing story, mixed with plenty of humor and you’ll both get through it quick. The writing is anything but dense, so it’s a good book to get ‘back into reading’. Also, its got pictures.
As Sparklinggrape21 says, knowing what other kinds of media you enjoy would help. Do you play games? Which are your favourites?
Graphic novels might be a good option for you. They definitely count as reading! They cover loads of genres, not just super hero. If you have a comic book store near by, they can guide you to something you and your girlfriend will both like.
If you want to stick with novels, maybe look for something like action/adventure or something more comedic. I think you’ll be drawn more to something that keeps things moving.
Either way, your local public library no doubt has an adult services librarian absolutely dying to help you find something you’ll like. Give them a try!
All Systems Red by Martha Wells, the first book in the Murderbot Diaries series.
It gets recommended on here all the time for good reason. It’s very short, so you won’t feel intimidated or risk not finishing. It’s a lighter, funny sci-fi with a well developed main character. A perfect way to dip your toes back into reading.