September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I typically devour books and read a lot, like well over 100 books each year. This year I’ve read 30. I don’t know what’s going on with me, but I just can’t get into books lately! I keep starting them and then putting them down or taking so long that my library loan expires.

    Please suggest me something that will hook me and get me out of this slump! I typically read a lot of fantasy, thriller/mystery, and fluffy queer romance. I don’t know if I need a slam dunk in one of those genres or something totally left field. But I think it needs to be fairly short so it doesn’t seem like I’m getting into too much.

    by swordsandshows


    1. I am having the same problem. I usually read over 100 books a year but the last couple of years can only crack about 40 due to life distractions. Usually, even while watching tv, I can read. Lately, with all that is going on in the world, books are not the usual balm they have been.

    2. Indifferent_Jackdaw on

      For me when I’m looking through my usual genres going, no, no, no. It is time to look outside them. These are books that I read outside of my usual SFF and Mystery genres that I really enjoyed. I will say I am very much a character driven reader and that is why I loved these books the exploration of character.

      An Ordinary Wonder – Buki Papillion

      The Family Ship – Sophie Yoerg

      Hamnet – Maggie O’Farrell

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