September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love keeping track of my reading. I think because of the tracker, I have pushed myself to read amazing books.

    For the past 9-10 years, every January the 1st I have had something to read – in fact, January has always been the month I read a lot. Maybe in February or March, I stop reading for a month or two (which is fine – it is what it is)

    This year is the first January when I can’t be bothered reading. It feels slightly strange.

    Granted, I have started a new challenge (the first time ever) to watch a lot of movies (because I never watch good movies) and that might be the reason I can’t be bothered reading (even though I have plenty of free time on top of watching the movies – max 2 a day, sometimes none)

    ## Anyway, what do you do

    Do you have a thing you do that gets you back into reading

    by gate18


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    2. iNeedScissorsSixty7 on

      Really the only thing I do is make sure my Kindle is loaded up with stuff from my TBR pile. I have the entire Discworld series on there that I got from a Humble Bundle, and I made a wishlist on Amazon and filled it with the ebooks that I want to buy once any sales hit. I check it every few days when I boot up my computer at work. That way, I have lots of options right there in front of me and it should be easy to pick something.

      I mostly read in bed so once my wife is ready to head upstairs each evening, I grab my Kindle from my backpack and set it on the nightstand. Reading before bed helps me ease into sleepiness due to the fact that the Kindle is sidelit, not backlit like phones and tablets, so it doesn’t contribute to the eye strain that keeps you awake like a phone, tablet or TV would.

    3. Re-read one of your comfort reads, that gets you into the habit and you have a greater chance to keep going.

    4. Hah! Perhaps I could use the opposite! I am never NOT in the middle of a book, plus have 2 or 3 others being read at the same time.

      I don’t track my reading, or care how many I’ve read, I just READ!

    5. puttingupwithpots on

      Migraines help me read. My migraines aren’t super severe unless I look at screens. So reading a book is fine and doing anything on phone, laptop, or tv is just not possible. You get bored enough and reading is super exciting again! So may I recommend a chronic, debilitating medical condition to fix your problem?

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