September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve recently started reading Dune and I am so lost. They use words I don’t understand, with lots of flowery dialogue and philosophical ideas. I feel like an idiot reading it. I’m only on chapter 2 with the Baron Harkonnen and I keep getting confused. I have the same problem with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; easily losing track with the lingo and names.

    I’ve read the Count of Monte Cristo and I managed to pay enough attention to that, but for some reason these two books confuse the hell out of me. Am I doing something wrong?

    by TheSpicyHotTake


    1. WintersChild79 on

      FYI: If you haven’t checked, look in the back of the book. Some editions have a glossary for the made-up vocabulary that might help you.

    2. I saw the movie and can’t really imagine how the book would be. It was spectacularly visual. Maybe see the movie then go back to the book.

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